Scale Comparisons - Various Manufacturers
In sharing the recent announcement from Eureka Miniatures, I received a number of questions on Facebook and this blog in relation to their compatibility with other ranges. In order to give some idea of the scale, I've grabbed some miniatures off the lead pile from some of the common manufacturers to give some idea as to their compatibility with other ranges. Please excuse my potato camera; I am currently in the process of exploring better options as well as a suitable light box. ++++++++++ Scale Comparisons I have selected miniatures in similar poses where available to try and show relative height and bulk on a comparative scale. Left to right - Footsore Miniatures, Eureka Miniatures, Artizan Designs Left to right - Woodbine Design Company, Eureka Miniatures, Brigade Games Left to right - Warlord Miniatures (Ex-BAM), Eureka Miniatures, Sloppy Jalopy (Eureka Head) Unfortunately I don't have any miniatures from Empress to include add to the above l...