
Showing posts from August, 2019

Major Curran – OIC, Alpha Company: 33rd Provincial Battalion, New Guard

++++++++++ The Major re-read the hand-scrawled message: ‘Scouts report Union forces at northern docks, occupying waterfront warehouses – estimated platoon strength, no armour or guns. Alpha Coy to advance, displace opposition and secure position until relieved.’ Grunting, he handed the paper to one of his command staff knowing it would be relayed amongst his platoon commanders. From his position in what was once a cannery, he could see the maze of brick warehouses and stores that his men had spent weeks fighting through. Every brick seemed to hide a trip-wire, hidden gun, or sniper’s nest, and the toll was starting to show on his men. ‘What I wouldn’t give for some artillery.’ ++++++++++ Major Curran – OIC, Alpha Company: 33 rd Provincial Battalion, New Guard A veteran of the Great War, Major Curran is an experienced officer having commanded infantry units in North Africa and on the Western Front. While he retired from the Army on his return to Austr...

The start of something, grand?

  ++++++++++ The runner scrambled down a pile of broken rubble and masonry, papers clenched against his chest in one hand; his other thrown to the side for balance as he navigated the uneven terrain. While he had always been most comfortable exploring the outback, the broken urban terrain had become strangely familiar to him since his unit first moved in to take the docks from the Reds. Bounding a low brick wall at the base of the slope, he stumbled to a halt, snatching his slouch-hat from his head and gasping for breath before announcing his presence to the assembled men. ‘Major! Orders from command!’ ++++++++++ Welcome to Rum, Tears and a .303 , a blog dedicated to wargaming a fictional Civil War set in 1930's Australia. This project will draw its motivation from the concept of the ‘Very British Civil War’, setting socialist workers militia against a crumbling government being undermined by fascist groups vying for control in an Australian setting. There will ...